Sunday, January 24, 2010


My life for the past week has been full of:

1. sickness
2. dance/exhaustion
3. my sweet lovebug
4. my sweet roommates.
5. first days of school
6. and painting, lots of painting. 

Today I painted for entirely too long. 
From about 2:30 to 11:30.
Thats too long.
and the sad thing is that i feel like i didnt get that much done, even though i sort of did. 
I did manage to watch an entire marathon of CSI while doing so. 

Also, this past friday was my best friend, Devin's, birthday.
Happy birthday my dear!

We share flowers.

and we like to go on safaris in my kitchen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I am so very ready for school to start.
we've been on break since December 10th, and i'm starting to feel a little stagnant.
{this is a feeling i do not particularly like}

This upcoming semester I am starting to take predominantly classes that are in my focus and major.
I cant wait to start learning.
I feel its one of the things I do best.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

On the street where you live.

Have you ever seen My Fair Lady?
If not, you should add it to your list of "movies to see"
simply because it is fabulous.

There is a song in this movie
(which was originally on broadway, starring the wonderful Julie Andrews)
that is sung by a man in love with the heroine.
he sings:

"I have often walked down this street before,
But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before. 
All at once am I Several stories high. 
Knowing I'm on the street where you live." 

Such a true statement. 
how a person can feel immensely better by just being in the vicinity of the one they love. 
i have witnessed this to be true. 

there just so happens to be a house at the end of my street that has a magical feeling to it.
the beauty it gives off always reminds me of this song, and of the feeling it describes. 

and having it illuminated makes it just a little more magical. 

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's officially the end of the holidays.

I'm going to miss them
because no matter what is going on in my life,
I always feel a little happier when there's a Christmas tree in my house and lights down my street.

This is what our tree looked like this year.
{I know, we go overboard on the presents}

I'm not sure what we were looking up at here,
but I love this photo because of it.