Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am extremely proud of every one of my friends,
they are all amazing.

But for the past month, I have been particularly proud of a few of them. 

In particular, miss Cara Shanks.

She choreographed a beautiful dance
that spoke to my (as well as many other people's) emotions
regarding the loss of a dear friend.

Thank you Cara, for helping us grieve. 
You are a genius choreographer. 

{Photo by miss Caitlin Cannon}

1 comment:

  1. such a perty picture. i wish you were here babe. coffee o has seriously gone down the drain. this place is so depressing. very nostalgic right now. i wish it was 5a.m. and i was sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee. ahhhhhhhhhh yes. love you!
